Monday, June 9, 2008

The amazing growing child

One time, K & I were discussing the possibility of an addition onto our house, consisting of a badly needed kitchen expansion, ours is a bit small...
And possibly another bedroom. So, during the course of this discussion, and probably in relation to the bathroom part of the discourse, Kathleen said to me; "you have to understand, there will be a Teenager living here someday".
It did not compute.
"Who's Teenager is going to be living here?" said I, completely baffled. Which brings us to the motif of this post. Rowan is growing up. Kathleen & I are pretty much staying the same, but Rowan has grown an inch since January and there is no sign of him stopping anytime soon.

Last Friday he graduated from Kindergarten.
And really, as much as I used to treat things like Kindergarten Graduation as some sentimental trivia when it was some other person's child. Now I'm in there, as sentimental as the rest of them, taking bad photos & vowing to remember this day.
It was a sedate, but uplifting affair, we had slide shows and songs and funny hats, but the kids seemed to tune in to the solemnity of it all. Rowan indeed seemed almost serious at times. This is part of a pattern; when he "graduated" from Preschool last year, he was very earnest and said of his thoughtful demeanor that he was so serious because he was "thinking of all the hard work he would have to do in Kindergarten..."
Well look out, because here comes First Grade! Oh the responsibility of it all...

But far be it from me to mock the wee lad, I was just thinking about how really, we should graduate from our jobs, take a Summer vacation & do a lot of thinking about how serious the next phase of our lives will be.
Or not.