Monday, May 26, 2008


There goes the first official weekend of the summer. Here in Telluride we like to keep people entertained, so every weekend there is a festival of some sort or other. Some are fun, some not so, but it just depends on what floats your boat. If chamber music tickles your fancy, then Telluride is the place to be August 7th to 16th. Mushrooms, that would be August 21st to24th and so on...
This past weekend it was one of my favorites, Mountainfilm a prestigious film festival devoted to mountain life. 

Or at least thats what it started off as, it has evolved into something much bigger. Now there are symposiums on environmental issues, exhibitions of art, discussions about social issues amongst some of the people who are dealing with the top levels of human strife & struggle.
This year, one such such topic was slavery, there are at this time more slaves in the world than at any other time in world history. 
It is an enlightening and sobering experience, & can make one feel guilty about living in this land of opulence. Or at least make you realize that if you have more than everyone else, it is good to give back.
So, we'll see you here next year?
Just beware of the cowboys...


reverend dick said...

Tell us about the Nothing Festival, and the rides it engenders. I remember the finest picture I ever saw involving a bicycle...a hooded (I misspeak, I should say besacked or enbagged) man on a mountain bike riding sans clothing up
main Street backed by a beatific rainbow. Perfection.
Corm, we have different mothers, but you're my brother.

Anonymous said...

oh how i wish the bean still displayed that shot on the cash register. the time of bliss....

macmorg said...

Rev, my bro from ano mo, thy will be done. Funny how there are no photos pertaining to that funny time on the webernet, do you have any?
Maybe The Enigma has some.

The Crayon Lab said...

Recommend some films please. Those of us from far away lands need to know. And.....I would like to see that picture too when it becomes available....hmmm..

macmorg said...

Art, we did not attend the fest this year & so are a bit unknowledgeable about which are the best flicks but if you go to the link (click on the word Mountainfilm within the post) there is a list of films, most of which are available on Netflix™ I do believe. Also, there is a section on their website with the award winners, although I would reckon almost any of the films shown are worth seeing.
As for the bag wearing dude (I'll not say who he was) on the bike, he was not the only one involved in that folly. I seem to remember a certain reverend dick (amongst others) wearing nothing but a Stetson, being followed by a black & white. Telluride's finest, & the microphone saying "put your clothes back on pardner". It'll make for a good post, I'll try to find the pics.